Sunday, November 9, 2008

Response to week 2 reading

Respond to week 2 reading ‘’What Is Podcasting?’’. As we know that Podcasting is online audio content that is delivered via an RSS feed. As the reader states that’ Podcasts can be downloaded and enjoyed through access to the World Wide Web’. It co responses that the simplicity of podcasting. Listeners can determine the time and the place, meaning they decide what programming they want to receive and when they want to listen to it. It is easy for people to create a podcast on any topics. I strongly agree that podcasting is a new medium which has the power and flexibility to reshape the media landscape.

And so with home computers, the Internet, blogging, audio blogging, the MP3 format, and digital media players all coming together in a roundabout way, the wonder that is podcasting is born.

Podcasting can be used for:
1. Self-Guided Walking Tours - Informational content.

2. Music - Band promotional clips and interviews.

3. Talk Shows - Industry or organizational news, investor news, sportscasts, news coverage and commentaries.
4. Training - Instructional informational materials.
5. Story - Story telling for children or the visually-impaired.

Podcasting is deeply influence people life. Podcasting is a means to publish content that ultimately gives the recipient the control over the information they want to see or hear.

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